An integrative solution

Your body and mind are connected, health challenges don’t occur in isolation. 
At 2h center we therefore offer an integrative solution where a wide variety of physicians, paramedics
and certified health experts work as a team, organized around you. 


You can count on our team of physicians who have years of expertise within lifestyle medicine. Our team is motivated to switch your perception of longevity by offering preventive care rather than cure.

Health experts

Turning your health into a daily habit, is not done overnight. Our coaches help you integrate your personalized plan into your everyday life.

Care managers

Our team of caregivers ensure your visits at 2h center run as smoothly as possible. You will be assisted during all your tests and treatments. Our caregivers go above and beyond to make sure you enjoy your time at 2h center.

Introducing our team

Dr. Ann Lannoye

Lifestyle medicine physician

Hans Chabert

Lifestyle medicine director – Founder


Julitta De Backer

Nurse & skin therapist 

Dr. Kristof Sas

Sports physician

Dr. Gunther Gijsen

Aesthetic & preventive skin physician


Dr. Kris Vollon

Orthomolecular & sport physician

Lies Moens

Pelvic floor physiotherapist

Sebastien Renard



Lore de Smedt

Physiotherapist sport rehabilitation

Thomas Asvestaris

Neuropsychologist - Personal trainer

Alexia Uytters

Personal trainer


Aldo Giambra 

Personal trainer


Michael Verschueren


Stephy Germano

Operations manager

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