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Opening 2h center

7th of June 2023 at 16.30 pm

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Join us to celebrate !

We are excited to announce the opening of our new health center, focused on preventive health inspired by the founders Hans Chabert and Michael Verschueren.

We would be delighted if you could join us for the opening of our center on the 7th of June, starting at 16.30 pm. After a plenary session given by our experts, a tour of the facility will be organised and we foresee food & drinks for all.

  • 16.30 - Welcome
  • 17.30 - Opening – Michael Verschueren – Co-founder
  • 17.40 - Mission & Vision – Hans Chabert – Co-founder & Goedele Liekens – Strategic advisor
  • 18.00 - The Belgian health ecosystem and the importance of preventive health – Prof. Marc Noppen – CEO at UZ Brussel
  • 18.20 - Mindfulness and stress management - Allan Eesmaa – Partner at Synctuition Mindspa USA
  • 18.40 - Conclusion
  • 18.50 - ​Walking diner and center visits

Please confirm by 25th of May to let us know if you can attend. 
We look forward to seeing you at our new center.